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Trang chủ > Development orientation

Vision 2030

04/07/2016 02:26:38 PM
a) size and structure of the economy
By 2030, the Town of North East will become the city with the industrial economy and modern services to the manufacturing sector - advanced exports, supported by the services sector based on strong growth tourism, logistics and trade. Dong Trieu district will consolidate its position as a center of production and export of Quang Ninh province and Vietnam, and will continue to be a major supplier of building materials, and thermal coal for Vietnam. Sustainable development will become the norm for all areas of the province's development such as mining, manufacturing, tourism and urban development.
Dong Trieu town to be recognized as an important economic spearhead of Quang Ninh province and the whole of Vietnam.
- Services will contribute at least 35% of economic output.
- The industry and construction will contribute 61% of production.
- Coal production is likely to decrease from 2020 oriented development planning in Vietnam coal industry until 2020, with a 2030 outlook.
- Assuming that the added value increased by an average of 7% / year over the period 2020 to 2030, per capita GDP was estimated at $ 13,000 in 2020 (nominal prices [1]).
b) Social development, environmental protection and sustainable development
Strong economic development will ensure the provision of better social services in the whole town, especially educational services, health care and nutrition higher quality for all families. Complete people can easily access basic social services such as education and health care.
- Narrowing the development gap between the North East Commune;
- Ensure social security and social security;
- Reverse the trend of environmental pollution;
- Enhancing the contribution of the field of "green" products with higher added value from agriculture, sustainable tourism development and reducing the proportion of the industry, "brown" as mining;
- Increased forest cover more than 55% in 2025;
- Collect 100% of solid waste from households in 2025, 90% of which is treated, recycled or reused;
- Collection of hazardous waste 100% in 2025;
- 70% of households and 80% of enterprises with garbage sorting facility on site;
- 100% of communes have to implement environmental sanitation plan livestock;
- 100% of urban households and 95% of rural households using clean water;
- 100% environmental standards lake in 2030;
- 80% of the production facilities to meet environmental standards in 2025;
- 100% of mining establishments must comply with the program reverted in 2030.
c) Urbanisation and infrastructure development
- Rural population can easily access social services of high quality as well as economic development opportunities thanks to social infrastructure, transport, and communications;
- To narrow the gap in living standards for urban areas, in terms of income, education and health care.
Urban areas
- Upgrade urban planning systems in the North East to build the urban living environment and sustainable modernization towards environmentally friendly, while preserving and conserving the traditional architectural values;
- Setting urban zoning system in Eastern North to eliminate conflicts between residential areas, industrial parks, logistics and tourism;
- Ensure adequate supply of commercial services and society in all residential areas;
- The urban areas will grow attached to protecting the natural environment.
- Maintaining and improving and upgrading 100% pavement road town and commune blacktop and concrete.
- Maintain 100% road town level minimum standards TCVN 4054-2005 V;
- 90-100% rural backbone minimum standards TCVN 4054-2005 level VI; Providing modern infrastructure to ensure convenient connections between the industrial area and residential importance of the future City, and convenient connections with other provinces of Quang Ninh;
- Achieve goals City coverage on communications infrastructure with good telecommunications connections and stability;
- The system provides water and electricity reliably and efficiently.

Các tin liên quan:
  Development orientation
  Vision 2030
  Development Goals by 2020