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Trang chủ > Development orientation

Development Goals by 2020

04/07/2016 02:25:11 PM
1. General objectives 2020
Strive to 2020, the town of North East will become grade III and development towards industrialization and diversification and sustainability, is the region's commercial hub, tourist destination is growing and is a in the leading urban centers of Quang Ninh province with infrastructure in engineering, urban and economic - social progress. Town will implement sustainable poverty reduction measures, constantly improving the material life and spirit of the people, conservation and promotion of national identity, promoting conservation management and promotion of the values ​​of assets of local culture, especially the historical, cultural rated locality (historic Landmark District with 14 points Tran dynasty relics, monuments ranked 04 national level, 17 Provincial monuments ratings) and ensuring environmental sustainability. North East will become a focal pattern of trade and economic progress, is underpinned by strong platform for defense and security, political stability, social order and safety.
2. Specific objectives 2020
a) The economic indicators
Economic growth
- Achieve production value growth at constant prices on an annual average (CAGR):
13.9% / year in the period 2016-2020;
Overall, 13.9% level / year over the period 2013-2020.
- Achieve growth in value added at constant prices (estimated according to the exchange [1]) the average annual (CAGR):
14.2% / year in the period 2016-2020;
Overall, at 14.2% in the period 2013-2020.
- The growth rate of each sector in terms of value added [2] for the period 2014-2020:
Field of trade and services grew more than 15.5% / year (CAGR).
The industrial sector and the construction of more than 14.5% growth / year (CAGR).
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries grew 4% / year (CAGR).
- Increase in per capita GDP to US $ 5200 (nominal prices [3]).
- Increase the number of visitors to the North East to ~ 1.2 million, increasing the average revenue per tourist to ~ 350,000 VND in 2020.
The economic structure
According to the added value (estimated at the rate of exchange) 2020: The trade and services accounted for 38%, industry and construction accounted for 57% and agriculture for 5%.
Production value of the construction industry and the mining industry will be higher outside the production value of the mining industry.
Increase revenues by 10-15% / year (CAGR) over the period 2014-2020 compared to the provincial traffic estimates.
b) The social development index
Population and employment
The population reached 185,000 people in 2020; Population growth rate average is 0.93% 2013-2020 period.
Urban unemployment rate below 4.3%;
Improving employment opportunities for women, increased the proportion of female workers to 49%;
Labor structure in 2020: there are 20 thousand people in the field of services and trade, 82 thousand people in the fields of industry and construction and 19 thousand people in the agricultural sector.
Attracting workers and people from other localities to Dong Trieu to support the implementation of the norms and economic development plans;
Maintaining the rate of non-agricultural workers metropolitan area minimum of 75% of total employment in 2020.
Poverty rate dropped to 0.8%.
Education and training
Increased rate of trained laborers to 90% in 2020;
Increase college graduation rates and graduate in the labor force;
Sustaining universal preschool education grant for children five years of age, strive to continue universal preschool education for children at different ages. Maintaining universal primary education at the right age and level 2 universal junior secondary universal struggle in 2020.
Continue to strengthen the training of teachers, improving teaching methods. Strive to 2020, 100% of primary school teachers, 90% of preschool and secondary school teachers, 20% of high school teachers over training qualification.
Continues to expand links with universities for higher education and vocational training to facilitate the implementation of plans to grow the industry and services.
100% of households have electricity and facilities after 2015;
Strive to 2020: 100% of the town road; maintaining and upgrading communal pavement towards concrete, 100% paved road town level minimum standards TCVN 4054-2005 V; 100% of communal roads, 70% rural backbone minimum standards TCVN 4054-2005 VI grant in 2020;
Development of urban infrastructure standards before 2020 grade III;
Ensure standards of technical infrastructure, urban landscape prescribed grade III standards before 2020.
Maintaining reached the national criteria for commune health, improve the quality of primary health care and health care for the people; continue to improve the quality of hospitals, clinics, doctors and medical staff;
Increase the proportion of people join health insurance to more than 90% in 2020;
Reducing the percentage of children under 5 years of malnutrition to below 8% by 2020;
100% of urban population access to clean water and 95% of rural population using clean water by 2020;
On construction of new countryside:
Continue to maintain and promote standards trophy new rural district (has been recognized as a new rural districts in 2015).
c) environmental indicators
Environmental sustainability
60% of wastewater is treated in 2020; 95% of solid waste is collected and 85% is processed. Forest coverage rate reached 55% in 2020
North East will comply with the national strategy on green growth with the target set is green growth, the economy towards low-carbon, the variable requirements of greenhouse gas emission reduction and the ability to absorb carbon greenhouse becoming mandatory;
Increase the contribution rate of the industry "green" as the manufacturing industry in the late stages of the value chain to higher value and sustainable tourism, while reducing the share of the industry, "brown" as extractive.
d) The targets for defense and national security
- Enhancing resources, defense forces and security, consolidating the national defense security posture associated with the people in the area, building local area more defensively solid;
Develop the potential and position of the town, close cooperation between economic development - social and defense - security, create synergy to firmly protect the land, airspace and maintain stability political, social order and safety, creating a favorable environment for economic development - society quickly and sustainably.

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